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Israeli archaeologists have found an ancient Roman theater next to Jerusalem's Western Wall.
Archeologists say they have made a dramatic discovery next to the Western Wall in Jerusalem after unearthing what they believe could be an ancient…CNN.COM
Motor City madness: Pieces of Motown musical history are for sale and auction as Berry Gordy's house is sold
From old magazines to a grand piano once owned by the Motown founder, items can be purchased at auction and estate sale this week.FREEP.COM
WWII bomber makes a nice flying museum!
Historians bring World War II-era bomber plane to Nashville to show off history,TENNESSEAN.COM
Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus -- and he's buried in a crypt in Turkey!
Despite what you may have heard, Santa Claus is – or was – real, and archaeologists in Turkey think they've pinpointed the location of his final resting…SCIENCEALERT.COM
Drones helped find the Lost City of Alexander the Great in Iraq.
A MYSTERIOUS city thought to have been founded by Alexander the Great has been uncovered by British archaeologists. Qalatga Darband in northern Iraq has…THESUN.CO.UK
The African American woman immortalized in the movie "Hidden Figures" now has a NASA building named after her.
Research center named after Katherine Johnson, 99, whose story was told in the film Hidden Figures: ‘I liked work. I liked the stars and the stories we were…THEGUARDIAN.COM
The late fashion icon Yves Saint Lauren gets a museum in Paris
A home for the designer’s creations — Mondrian dresses, Cossack coats, the “Sunflowers” jacket and more — will open to the public next week.NYTIMES.COM
Here are the winners of the 2017 Insight Astronomy Photographer of the Year awards!
A stunning photograph of swirling blue and pink cloud gasses in the Rho Ophiuchi Cloud Complex has scooped the top prize at this year’s Insight Astronomy…STANDARD.CO.UK
These are the last photos of Saturn taken by the late, great, amazing Cassini spacecraft
The final photos ever taken by NASA's Cassini Saturn orbiter have begun coming down to Earth, and you can see them all.SPACE.COM
Eeeeuuuuw: This scar-looking sea creature washed ashore during the hurricane.
One biologist believes the mysterious sea creature is fangtooth snake-eel, or Aplatophis chauliodus.WASHINGTONPOST.COM|BY LINDSEY BEVER